Rib Fest

I have been reading Tozier’s, The Pursuit of God. It has been a tremendous experience. In today’s reading, He speaks of God’s omnipresence. God is active in the world around us, in all places. We have often limited God’s activity to religious places.

Today, our city holds a street party called Rib Fest. People gather, drink beer, enjoy music, and leave lots of trash throughout the downtown area. Last year, someone in church commented on the indignity of “drunk people” littering the streets of our city. The comment was derogatory and self-righteous. The assumption was that God is in church, with us.

Have we considered that God is at Rib Fest? If we believe in His omnipresence (an essential matter in Christian doctrine), we must affirm that he is fully present in all places. While he is not recognized and worshiped at Rib Fest, he is active among those who do not recognize Him. Perhaps our question should be how can join God in these places.

Tozier’s prayer at the end of chapter five should be our prayer.

Thou hast been here and I knew it not. I have been blind to Thy Presence. Open my eyes that I may behold Thee in and around me. For Christ’s sake, Amen.

May we learn to see God and join Him in all that He is doing.